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Nice, clean theme, that I miss on XP.
Published on September 9, 2006 By hitop In WindowBlinds
Hi, thanks for taking the time to read this.  I've recently been forced back to Windows from using Ubuntu Linux.  Gnome is a much nicer place to spend time than Windows, but my new laptops wireless isn't playing nice with Ubuntu.  Maybe in the future I'll get it working, but until then...

There's a theme engine for Gnome by the name of Murrine.  It's simple but shiny, very pleasant to look at and use.  I miss it something awful.  I'm particularly interested in the Candy scheme (the blue and orangish).  Thing is, I presume it would have to be re-created from scratch as I BELIEVE that there are no actual images used with this engine.  I could be wrong.

If someone were able to reproduce it for WindowBlinds, not only would I be eternally grateful, but I think you'd receive plenty of kudos from others as well. To express my gratitude, I'd be more than happy to send a book, CD, DVD, or game from my collection.

I know I'm not offering much, but hopefully someone will take a look and love it as much as I do.

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